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She styled her hair bone-straight down her back. As for her glam, Zendaya complimented her dress with teal eyeshadow. The Euphoria star has been an ambassador for the label since 2020. Zendaya, who was dressed by her longtime stylist, Law Roach, accessorized with jewels from Bulgari. The bodice of the number was designed with a sweetheart neckline and was finalized with billowing skirt.

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The gown featured a geometric construction, consisting of sections in shades of turquoise and black.

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The Emmy-winning actress, 25, was a vision in the Bob Mackie design, which was first seen on the runway in 1998. She’s done it again! Zendaya blessed fans with another jaw-dropping fashion moment when she attended the Time 100 Gala on Wednesday, June 8 in a stunning, vintage couture gown.

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